A chance at dinner with Obama now costs only $3

On paper, it seems that President Obama can be a cheap date. His re-election campaign moves to lower the threshold for the contribution, weak and smaller donors are looking for the opportunity to dine with the president.

Obama's campaign was able to offer donors of $ 5 or more people a chance to win a dinner with the president. But today, campaign supporters sent a message to First Lady Michele Obama lower the price of the gifts of $ 3 or more.

"These dinners are very important for Barack are a chance for him to talk to some of the people who run the country -. And a chance for him to say thank you, "Michelle Obama e-mail reader. "So be prepared to tell your story and say what's on your mind. Do not miss the chance to be there. Donate $ 3 or more days before the deadline of September 30."

Moving presents an inviting gap in a speech late night show from the hosts and GOP presidential candidates acid crack wise about the state of the economy in the years of Obama. In reality, however, are more likely to be - and banal - inside-the-fitting explanation of the lowered barrier of entry into sweepstakes dinner Obama: The Obama campaign need to add third quarter fundraising total of small donors .

Obama spokesman re-election campaign did not respond to a request for comment cards.

Like other campaigns, the Obama campaign has often touted the number of contributors who give small amounts as a measure of popular support.

But the president faces more pressure than his Republican rivals on this front, partly because it has received unprecedented support from small donors in 2008. So far, the reelection campaign of President has worked to convince many of the contributors to donate again. A "vast majority" of Obama's donors from 2008 4000000 did not contribute to his campaign in 2012, the New York Times reported earlier this week.